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Resources for both employers and Indigenous artists, storytellers, filmmakers, and performers.


Crushing Colonialism aims to provide resources for both employers and Indigenous artists, storytellers, filmmakers, and performers. Check this page often for updated documents, videos, guides, and other resources.

Cover for Writing About Disabled People & The Climate Crisis


Disability justice intersects with the climate crisis because sustainability, justice, equity, and resilience are interconnected. The climate crisis will continue to have a major impact on the rights and the quality of life of disabled people, exacerbating longstanding inequity and mortality risks. Disabled people are at much higher risk from the impacts of climate change
and environmental degradation but are left out of narratives and content about the climate crisis.



NDT Learns: The National Disability Theatre Handbook 1st Edition (digital)

This Handbook documents selected thoughts, ideas, and conversations that passed through National Disability Theatre from 2018 to 2023. Its primary audience is theatre professionals who work with—or want to work with—artists with disabilities. It is designed for folks who are new to access and for those who want to add to their existing access toolkits.

It is part Hand-book, part work-book, and part research. It is designed as a menu or a buffet; so select what works for you. You can stay at the surface, or dig deep. Glance at parts, take it in section by section, or jump around. Use it like a toolbox and a toy chest. Take what is useful for your most urgent access needs, and playfully consider new ideas when and if you have the bandwidth. Enjoy!