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Indigenizing Disability Justice

Washington DC | may 15, 2024
    Against a black floral background is a picture of an Indigenous woman dressed in traditional regalia. In white text reads: “Indigenizing Disability Justice | Film Screening + Conversation with” and below are photos of the four event speakers: Audrey Huntley, Wanda Whitebird, Melina Laboucan-Massimo, and Terri Monture. Beneath is the date, time, and location of the event. At the bottom of the image are logos of the four sponsors: Crushing Colonialism, No More Silence, Sacred Earth Solar, and Woolly Mammoth.
    Indigenizing Disability Justice: Film Screening & Conversation
    6-8pm Eastern
    May 15, 2024
    Woolly Mammoth Theater
    641 D Street NW
    Rehearsal Hall
    Washington, DC


    Washington, DC -- Join Crushing Colonialism, No More Silence, and Sacred Earth Solar on May 15, 2024, for a film screening and conversation on the connections between the Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirits crisis, disability justice, and the environment.

    The event will open with dancing by Angela Gladue, aka Miss Chief Rocka, lead dancer for the Halluci Nation. Light refreshments will be served.

    This is a hybrid, in-person and online event and is free and open to the community so join us and share with your friends! 

    Disability Access

    The space is fully ADA accessible and is easy to navigate for people using a wide array of mobility devices. ASL and live captioning will be provided. Allergy and dietary friendly refreshments will be served. Masks are strongly encouraged to protect our vulnerable community members and will be provided.